My Dream Bedroom ♥

I can’t recall a time in my life when I wasn’t having a love affair with DESIGN, and Interior Design is very much a massive part of that! 

As a ‘creative’ {and I use that word very loosely as I am of the thought that everyone is a creative in their own right}, it’s always been of high priority for me to be surrounded by an environment I could call my own. One that had been ‘designed’ by me. Where every object in the room had some sort of significance and relevance – big or small.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been decorating my room and making it mine. My room was {and still is} my treasure chest, filled with memories, love, objects that intrigue and stimulate my senses, and of course – my secrets ^.~

When I was asked by Katie to take part in the Malibu/Resort Lifestyle Design Your Dream Bedroom brief, I was so happy & truly flattered and COULDN’T WAIT to get started as I felt this is the type of project that’s ‘just up my alley’!

Upon arrival at Malibu Interiors / Resort Lifestyle in De Waterkant, {let me take this very space on this page to add I honestly had NO idea this place even existed!} I immediately felt as though I’d been whisked away to another country – some sexy Mediterranean place lined with cobblestone and sunlight. I was heartily welcomed by a friendly bunch of women of all different ages – all so stylish and beautiful!  The interior of the place is just absolutely exquisite {let me not even get started on that gorgeous Plantation-style wallpaper…}! Seriously, do yourself a favour one weekend and go have a look-see. Your eyes will thank you, and I’m sure you’ll leave brimming with inspiration and ideas, just as I was.

After MY eyes thanked me {about a million times – there are just SO many beautiful things to looks at!} I sat down with fellow ‘brief-ees’ Emma Jackson of; Jessica Bonan of Lady Bonin’s Tea Parlour {honestly the best tea I’ve ever had}; Natalie Roos of Tails of a Mermaid; Victoria Tatham of; Dawn Jorgensen of Jorgensen’s Distillery {see her blog here}; and Fran Perel of – all very talented & lovely ladies! First we were treated to some of Lady Bonin’s tea {infused} with some of Dawn’s gin {obviously} ^.~ !

We were then briefed by Danela Conti {the brains behind the splendour that is Resort Lifestyle} who provided us each with a bedroom floor plan layout, magazines to cut out of, fabric swatches etc. and asked us to envisage our Dream Bedrooms. I honestly could have stayed there the whole weekend doing just that. I was in my element!


There were loads of magazines for us to ‘abuse’! I could go through fashion/interior mags all day extracting {and by extracting I mean violently tearing-out of!} all the pages that I like!

Currently this is what my bedroom looks like {below} so let’s see what I can come up with when there are no boundaries {such as money} ^.~

Our boards are due tomorrow and I’m so super excited to see what the other girls come up with! A true “I work best under pressure” kind of gal, I have not NEARLY completed my board yet… But I have started already and I’ve got all the elements I want, now it’s just a matter of compiling them in right way! I’ll post the end result as soon as it’s done!

Thanks Danela, Katie & the girls ♥